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Head lice symptoms can take 24 hours to 4 weeks

to show up. Some people are asymptomatic meaning

they have no symptoms. 


  • Itching (50% of the population does not itch)

  • Bags under eyes from disturbed sleep

  • Rash at nape of neck

  • Swollen glands

  • low grade fever

  • Fidgety behavior

  • Anemia (rare)

  • Hair loss (rare)



Moderate/severe case of head lice. Person was pretreated with a popular OTC pesticide. Over a hundred live bugs, nits and eggs were removed during treatment by Dandy Strands Head lice removal service LLC. 


Head lice eggs hatch approximately 7-10 (6-13 in some temperature climates) days after being laid.  Once hatched they are called nymphs. Nymphs go through 3 molting phases every 3-4 days becoming full adults able to mate and lay eggs up to 24 hours after the final molt.  Females have a "w" shape on the end of their body and stay pregnant after the.  A female adult louse can lay up to 5 eggs 2xs a day. 


Eggs are visible to the naked eye as soon as they are laid and are always the same size, They do not grow or move.. they do not slide easily off of the hair due to the cement like glue attaching them to the hair.  It is not possible to know if an egg(nit) is going to hatch unless you look at them under a microscope this is why all eggs must be removed.



Head lice themselves are not considered dangerous (although continuous studies are still being done to rule out whether they spread diseases.) However there are dangers that can occur with chosen treatments, secondary infections, pre existing conditions and people’s reactions. Here you will find a short list of dangers.


  • Infection from scratching

  • Bacterial infections from head lice excrement

  • chemical burns 

  • abscesses

  •  Autism

  • Leukemia

  • seizures

  • poisoning from pesticides.

  • Anemia(rare)

  • Child abuse

  • Neglect

  • First, second and third degree burns

  • hair loss (rare)

  • Behavior abnormalities

  • Bullying

  • Financial strain

  • Caregiver strain

  • Job loss

  • Self-esteem issues

  • And Death

 Mistaken Identity
Things that are often misdiagnosed as head lice and eggs
  • Hair muffs/pseudo-nits These are white milky small clumps of skin and oil build up from the hair follicle that incase the hair shaft. They are easily removed and are NOT head lice related.  


  • Dandruff is a scalp condition that results in dry and itchy skin flakes. It is not head lice related.


  • Debris in the hair such as lint, dirt, glitter etc.. are also often confused for a head lice infestation. 

Copyright © 2017-2021 Dandy Strands head lice removal service LLC. All rights reserved.
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